PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE: For the last two years, Heather has put out our branch newsletter in an informative and timely fashion. She edits ten newsletters each year and keeps us on top of the things that make our branch run smoothly. Please take the time to read the newsletter when you receive it. If you wish, print it out for yourself and save it for reading later. Our newsletter is a “just the facts, ma’am” type of newsletter; but if you read it, you won’t use valuable time in meetings asking questions that have already been answered. If you are one of those who read and delete, you can always go to to view the newsletter again, as well as view past newsletters and articles pertaining to our branch.

This newsletter contains information regarding our holiday plans and January’s programs – yes, programs. Don’t miss out on the fun because you didn’t read “the facts”.

-Connie and Evelyn


OUR NEXT MEETING: This is a fun event (no regular meeting)! November 19, 2-4 p.m., our Holiday Party/Silent Auction will be in the Board Room of the Education Building, Onslow Memorial Hospital. Food will be provided. You are asked to bring a white elephant, new item, or homemade food item for the silent auction. The fun is in the variety of items for bid and the spirited bidding to “win” them. Proceeds benefit the Education Foundation/Legal Advocacy Fund.


SCHOOL SUPPLIES PROJECT: If you have not already done so, please bring your school supplies to the November party. Judy, Margaret, and Heather are ready to assemble the refill packages going to each of our seven chosen schools. We will be continuing this project through June 2007. Need suggestions? Our October speaker, Lynne Mixon of Queen’s Creek Elementary, shared a list of needs with us: pencils, pens, colored pencils, 3-subject notebooks, composition notebooks, crayons, construction paper, glue sticks, erasers, easy-to-read paperback books (ABC and Counting), early skills workbooks (Dollar Store). Your contributions are greatly appreciated.


LUNCH WITH CAROLINA AUTHORS: November 18, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., sponsored by AAUW/Wilmington. $25 includes lunch. Please contact Phyllis Leimer at (910) 798-2296. (This has been a sold-out event in past years.)


125TH ANNIVERSARY OF AAUW: Membership VP, Joanne, has arranged for us to share our 125th anniversary with the students and faculty of Coastal Carolina Community College. On November 28, 9 a.m. – ?, we will hand out pieces of a big birthday cake and AAUW literature. If you can help “woman” the table during this time, please let Joanne know – (910) 743-9996 or Our table will be outside the bookstore/cafeteria area.



November 19, 2-4 p.m. – Holiday Party/Silent Auction, Board Room, Education Bldg., Onslow Memorial Hospital. Details above.

November 28, 9 a.m. – ? – 125th Anniversary of AAUW, CCCC (outside the bookstore/cafeteria area). Details above.

December – No regular branch meeting

December 2, 12 noon – Twin Rivers/New Bern Branch Luncheon Meeting, Catered Affair, 3402-B Trent Rd., New Bern. $15.75 includes lunch and tip. Speaker: Tom Lewis, author of Sunday’s Child. Mail your check and choice of meal (chicken cordon bleu, crab cakes plate, or sliced angus beef) to Marilyn Hauser, 801 Clipper Court, New Bern, NC 28560, by November 27. Contact Connie about carpooling (346-8223).

January 22, 6:30 p.m. – Branch meeting. Program: Women in Technology Part 1

January 26, 2-4 p.m. – Program: Women in Technology Part 2 (Are you ready to fly?!) Details in the January newsletter.



Heather F. Ochse, Editor,