PRESIDENTS’ MESSAGE: Come one and all! You are cordially invited to our Scholarship Fundraiser on April 28 at 6:30 p.m., Parish Hall, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church on Henderson Drive in Jacksonville. We will be partnering with Charlene Shearer of Tastefully Simple – “The food you love, the time you deserve.” Bring your friends, your relatives. Sample the delicious offerings that are so easy to prepare you’ll wonder what to do with all that extra time on your hands. A percentage of the sales supports our AAUW/Jacksonville Regional Branch Scholarship at Coastal Carolina Community College. Eating, supporting a good cause – what could be more fun!

See you there! -Connie and Evelyn

OUR NEXT EVENT: Scholarship Fundraiser on Monday, April 28, 6:30 p.m., St. Anne’s Parish Hall, 711 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville. Bring guests and appetites! Contact Connie at 346-8223 if you need more order forms. Forms must be turned in with payment by April 28.

2008-2009 OFFICERS: A new slate of officers was presented to the membership and approved by unanimous vote at the March meeting. Your new officers are JoAnn Hall and Judy Martin, Co-Presidents; Heather F. Ochse, Vice-President/Programs; Nelda Howell, Secretary; Katharyn Thayer, Treasurer. Vice-President of Membership remains open. These officers will be installed at the installation banquet on May 17th at 3:30 p.m. at Connie’s house.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES PROJECT: Our application to the state for a $300 mini-grant was approved! The school supplies have been purchased. Margaret and Heather were able to deliver two bags of supplies, books and educational videos to each of 7 Onslow County elementary schools. We have enough money left to provide supplies in the 2008-2009 school year. A big thank-you to AAUW/NC for their generosity!


April 18-19 – AAUW/NC Convention, Downtown Marriott, Greensboro, NC. See the Spring Tar Heel News or go to for details. Carpooling encouraged.

April 28, 6:30 p.m. – Branch Scholarship Fundraiser at Parish Hall, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, 711 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville. Fundraiser partner: Charlene Shearer of Tastefully Simple. Bring friends and relatives. Taste food. Have fun.

May 17 (Saturday), 3:30 p.m. – Installation Banquet, 107 Epworth Drive, Jacksonville. Please bring finger food for sharing. Call Connie at 346-8223 for directions.

Heather F. Ochse, Editor,
*AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.*