At the Saturday, April 17 annual meeting, the convention voted to amend the AAUW NC bylaws by changing the system of voting described in the old bylaws (branch delegates, state officers and committee members, etc.) to one where each member in good standing has a vote. [See previous article.]

With a vote on April 16, the board recommended a minor change to the wording in the noticed language — changing “Each voting member in good standing” to “Each member in good standing”. This modified language was what was presented for a vote, and the minutes will show that it was approved by the necessary 2/3 of those voting (under the old rules).

This replaced the language in Article XII, Section 2, paragraph (a) with new language, made paragraph (b) of that section redundant, and led to an editorial change in paragraph (c): changing “delegate” to “member” and renumbering paragraph (c) as Section 3.

The AAUW governance committee had made comments on the earlier version, and where their comments were purely editorial, they were incorporated in this version of the bylaws. The administration committee is presenting this document for review and concurrence. If you have any questions, comments or corrections, please contact

Additional notes
AAUW NC expects to make major changes to its bylaws in the next biennium.The following recommendations from the AAUW governance committee will be considered at that time:

  • Revisit references to IFUW
  • Clarify recording of interim votes
  • Revisit how dues for national members joining the state are set
  • Document the staggered terms of the officers (Secretary, Membership VP in even years; President-elect, Treasurer, Program VP in odd years; with President-elect assuming the presidency after a one-year term)
  • Revisit the definition of a quorum of the board
  • Revisit the language describing how branch presidents and officers may designate a replacement at the board meeting
  • Revisit the section on indemnification for conformance to state law and best practice.

Since some of these changes will be moot given other changes that may be considered, there is no urgency to include them at this time.