Those of you who attended the annual meeting in March heard or read the earlier post on this site, heard about a project that AAUW, as a member of the coalition NC Women Matter, has been asked to do. Since we are a state wide organization we’ve been asked to participate in a note writing campaign to women in our community (some are AAUW members) who have not voted in the last few elections.

The final details are being developed and by mid July we will send you all the details. I can share some details with you now. You will receive a template that gives you material for your note on issues that are important to NC women, whether they are AAUW members or not.

My branch plans to have a Beach Party writing event in July and I hope you will too. Women make up 54% of the voting population in NC, so if we mobilize we can move our issues forward. Remember we are non-partisan and these notes will only talk about the issues.

PLEASE PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROJECT. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me.

Or if you want to sign up your branch to get a packet of addresses and sample letters when they become available, you can use this form:

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