Members of the Advocacy Group of AAUW NC will be presenting the information referenced below at the July 15 AAUW NC meeting.

Issues surrounding UNC Hospitals

Changes in the UNC Health Care System are related to changes throughout the state-supported non-profit hospital sector. Residents of Orange and adjacent counties are invited to sign a letter to Erskine Bowles expressing concern about specific changes that limit access to the UNC Healthcare system.

You may ask yourself why this is being considered as a state issue and not a local Chapel Hill branch issue. As you read the entire letter you understand that this petition is addressing an issue larger than local medical care. The mission of the hospital is to serve the people of North Carolina and frequently patients treated there are referred by family doctors throughout the state. This petition addresses the following:

  1. Quality of medical care is being based on the patient’s ability to pay for it and those without insurance are having increasing difficulty in accessing the system; and
  2. The hospital is understaffed creating numerous problems. The UNC healthcare system is not meeting its mandate to serve the people of the state of North Carolina and that makes it a state issue.