
The North Carolina Science Leadership Association (NCSLA) provides opportunities for science educators to exchange ideas, promote the cause of quality science instruction, and influence the creation of policies and legislation.

Historically, the NCSLA has partnered with the Center of Excellence for Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL) at the Wake Forest School of Medicine to provide two 3-day workshops during the summer. Workshops are designed to provide K-12 teachers with inquiry-based lessons in Problem Based Learning that integrate science, math, language arts and other areas of the curriculum.

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will have permanent access to hundreds of problems and projects to use in their classroom. (This means no additional fee, ever, even if you change schools!) and be able to apply for up to 2.0 CEU. Watch for further details about 2024 workshops!  Opportunities for regional sponsorships by AAUW branches are available. Please contact Laura Tew, the AAUW STEMEd Chair at

The NCSLA hosts other events as well.  Check their website for details.