The 2009-2010 AAUW NC Nominating Committee consisted of Pat Abell, chair, JoAnn Hall, Bernie Carpenter, Denny McGuire, and Peg Holmes.

The committee was unable to fill the slate of officers, President, Treasure, Secretary, Membership VP and five nominating committee members.

Three members of the nominating committee agreed to continue on the committee:  JoAnn Hall, Denny McGuire and Peg Holmes.

Pat Abell, Chair
April 16, AAUW NC Board Meeting

Updates after the report:

Bernie Carpenter agreed to continue on the nominating committee for 2010-2011, joining other 2009-2010 members Hall, McGuire and Holmes.

Janie Dominique (Greensboro) agreed to be nominated as the fifth member of the committee.

There were no nominations from the floor for the officer positions. The five nominees for the nominating committee were elected.