AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference


View more information about the Conference and Registration Here This website has the following information:
  • Conference Information (Presenters, Hotel Information, Transportation Information, Conference Book Ads)
  • Agendas (Friday, September 27; Saturday, September 28; Sunday, September 29)
  • Registration (Online and Mail-In)
  • Pre-Conference Purchases


AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference Flyer - September 2024


View the video invitation to the AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference

from Lane Stone, President of AAUW Virginia as host for the event.

(Open YouTube Video Here)


Lane-Stone-president-AAUW-Virginia - Invitation to AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference - September 2024

Additional Text About the September 2024 AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference

AAUW-VA is hosting this three-day conference of AAUW members along the Atlantic coast at a resort/conference center just north of Richmond. Members of other organizations, and your friends and family are invited to this powerhouse conference. AAUW branches are urged to send at least one person to the Conference, who can report back to the branch on the event, and also to allocate a partial expense reimbursement for that person.

Included in the sessions are presentations by Gloria Blackwell, AAUW CEO, and Meghan Kissell, AAUW Senior Director of Policy and Member Advocacy. Other knowledgeable speakers will discuss the challenges of our public schools, artificial intelligence, poverty, voting rights, inclusion, Title IX and the compelling history of AAUW. Share with and learn from members from other states about successful AAUW projects and ideas for your branch. You may wish to make the event a vacation given all the historical, arts, and outside activities in the area of the Conference, the beauty of the resort location, the quality of our speakers, and the opportunity to network with members from other states.

Members should look at the useful AAUW logo items we created that are for sale to support the Conference. Also all are encouraged to send advertisements for the Program Book to Carol Griffith, cag2002@roadrunner.com. The costs are $25 for a quarter page, $50 for a half page and $75 for a full page.




Read About AAUW North Carolina Fellows & Grantees!


This new Fellowships and Grants webpage has links to the names of Fellowship and Grant recipients for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 years.  Learn details about their accomplishments!


AAUW NC – Current Connect Newsletter




May 2024 Board Minutes

Meeting Date: May 15, 2024 Meeting Time: Meeting Location: ZOOM Board Members Present: Jeanne Smolkin, Mary Ann Bents, Beverly Larson, Laura Tew, Pat Ashe, Sandy…

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April 2024 Board Minutes

Meeting Date: April 17, 2024 Meeting Time: Meeting Location: ZOOM Board Members Present: Kathy Pearre, Jeanne Smolkin, Mary Ann Bents, Beverly Larson, Laura Tew, Pat…

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February 2024 Board Minutes

Meeting Date: February 21, 2024 Meeting Time:  5:36 pm Meeting Location: ZOOM Board Members Present: Pat Ashe, Beverly Larson, Mary Ann Bents, Sandy Bernard, Laura Tew,…

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What We Do at AAUW NC

Collaborate with other NC women’s organizations
Promote salary negotiation for women.
Advocate on public policy issues that affect women, girls, and their families
Promote STEM activities for girls.
Connect branch members through virtual programs, annual conferences, regional meetings, newsletters, and social media.
Promote the mission and policies of AAUW.
Support branch activities, programs, and projects.