This information is of particular concern to branch Educational Foundation chairs.

The Foundation has sent a report on contributions as of 4/1/06. Here’s the status of the two “open” funds of concern to North Carolina.

Charlotte Branch Research & Projects, #1429: $16,817.52 (needs to reach $35,000 by 2014)
Ann Chipley American Fellowship, #4051: $45,661.98 (needs to reach $100,000 by 2016)

The “needs to reach” is the point at which the income on these endowments will start supporting designated fellowships. Until that time, and if the goal is not met, no funds are awarded in honor of Charlotte or Ann Chipley.

These two funds support different programs of the Foundation –

R&P grants support community action grants and career development grants.
American Fellowships support both American fellowships and selected professions fellowships.

There are many other aspects of the Foundation, including the research supported by the Eleanor Roosevelt fund and projects that are supported by “undesignated” funds, but to ensure the completion of these two funds we ask that you and/or your branch consider designating part of your donations to them. For more on the funds that North Carolina individuals and branches have completed see, and, of course, there’s a wealth of information at To donate online, see