Along with many other organizations, AAUW NC has moved some of its operations to a web platform — Zoom. The board has been meeting via Zoom, we’re planning an annual meeting using Zoom, and we’ll be making the Zoom platform available to branches for their virtual meetings.
This is, however, a big switch for many of us. As part of the annual meeting preparation, AAUW NC VP Kathy Pearre will be hosting three on-line Zoom tutorials:
- Thursday, April 9, 11 am
- Tuesday, April 21, 7 pm
- Tuesday, May 5, 7:30 pm
Each session will be about 15-20 minutes.
Again, this is all in preparation for the AAUW NC 2020 Annual Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, May 13 at 7 pm.
To register for any of the tutorials, contact Kathy,
If none of the dates work for you or if you’d like to review things on your own, check out these resources from Zoom.