AAUW NC President Jane Terwillegar and Membership VP Kathy Pearre have been traveling the state, talking to branch representatives about AAUW NC and branch plans. It’s been a great sharing of information. Here are the AAUW NC documents that branches may wish to share with members who weren’t able to attend.
Links from AAUW
- AAUW Strategic Plan — Education & Traiinng, Economic Security, Leadership, Governance & Sustainability
- All members are invited to review Kim Churches May 2019 presentation to member leaders and especially Slide 14 – What Can You Do
- The Simple Truth About the Gender Pay Gap
- 2020 Membership Renewals — as of July 2019
- 2018 Fundraising Report by Branch (up to the minute version available from Jane or, for your branch, from the MSD)
- Shape the Future Membership Program
- Sample AAUW NC brochure using STF discount (and a good summary of AAUW efforts)
- AAUW Membership brochure (AAUW no longer sends paper copies. Use ideas from this to build your own.)
- Member Services Database
- Reminder: June 30 deadline for reporting new officers; Sept 30 deadline for renewing branch members
- MPP branches can have a “Join Now” link on the state website
Links for Advocacy
- ERA Billboard Project
- Watch for more info about the ERA, but in the meantime do check out the ERA-NC Alliance (consider joining as a branch — free since AAUW NC is a lead organization — or an individual).
Links for Salary Negotiation Workshops
- WorkSmart is now online at salary.aauw.org — encourage every member to participate and share!
- Start Smart – Use AAUW NC Mini-Grant request to help support workshops at local colleges and universities
STEM – Contact is Christi Whitworth
- Plans for an e-newsletter, CONNECT, monthly.
We get the list of branch members from national every few months and subscribe everyone.
Please direct new members to the subscription page. Back issues can be found on our News page. - To get information into the newsletter (pictures are particularly welcome), send email to editor@aauwnc.org. Branch-specific news will be published in a special edition once the Branch Advocate position is filled.
Annual Conference : Asheville Doubletree, March 27-28
- Save the date flyer (for your newsletters)
- If you have ideas for workshops and break-out sessions, fill out this form.
- Conference contacts: Pat Ashe (paashe1950@gmail.com) or President@aauwnc.org
Other News
- Watch for more info on AAUW NC sponsored events related to two major focuses for this year:
- Getting North Carolina to be the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment – more details at era-nc.org.
- Collaborating with other organizations as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment – and learn more about the struggles of people for whome the franchise was delayed past 1920.
- Note that the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources has many events planned, including a Traveling Exhibit: NC Women Making History
- The Council for Women and Youth Involvement’s most recent report is The Status of Women in North Carolina: Health and Wellness.